Thursday, 3 March 2011

The thread that Hymie made that made Mumsnet explode.

Court backs decision to bar Christian foster couple

 (652 Posts)
hymie Mon 28-Feb-11 16:51:35
Should Christians be stopped from fostering because of their faith/belief?



652 posts and counting all containing Anti-Christian Misandric posts from demented Feminists.

I posted the thread under the pseudenym hymie because I had no choice due to constant banning for innocuous posts not agreed with by the coven.

This entire thread is being sent to the BBC and the GUARDIAN together with Mumsnet sponsors.

1 comment:

  1. i have no problems with feminism attall, infact i'm happy to debate feminism with anyone, i belive in equality for women and on most feminist issues DV, rape, FGM etc i'm pretty much singing from the same hymnsheet as most feminists.
    i joined mumsnet, made the mistake of anouncing that i was talking from a mans persective and then i was rounded upon, made to argue positions i haddnt taken, sacrasm used to make out what my opinions actually were, ridiculed and then banned.
    i diddnt insult anyone but i received a barrage of abuse, and it was me they banned.

    the FWR section of mumsnet bans people who have the wrong opinions and through this selection of posters an authodoxy emerges, and if you dont tow the party line your out. ordinary women who may well be feminists but are not barking mad feel afraid to post anything that might be sane.
