Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Posts that involve not listening Mumsnet style

'Men....die earlier....than women'

then they should drink and smoke less, lose a bit of weight and drive more carefully.
In the UK, sex is never the only power a woman can enact in a relationship. The power to leave a lazy, selfish, sexually inadequate man, is a far greater power.
The depressing thing is that these men are getting off on being all shouty and telling everyone how wrong they are, and the topic of conversation is rape. Why do some men think it is appropriate to go and shout at women who are talking about rape?

How many women have you raped in your lifetime Dr****?


ALL these posts are from a site called MUMSNET and this is a place to keep all this man hating claptrap. The site is a haven for sexual extremists whose only voice is their own.

More to follow added to a theory of FACT and the reason for this blog.

Theory and fact is oxymoronic but the conclusion of my findings still stand.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for bringing the attention to this vicious, vociferous and acid-tongued lot of 'women'. Sadly there doesn't seem to have been much activity since early 2011, and it's now approaching 2013!
    I stumbled on your blog because I am extrememly angry and put out by MumsNet - I can explain in an e-mail if you wish? For like you, I have kept a record of what I have said, and the spitting-furious replies, before I was then banned from the forum, without explanation, despite having attempted to contact them twice. Well, that is absolutely the WRONG thing to do to someone like me, when I have been fair, not used expletives (which these other uncouth, foul-mouthed women have, but somehow are left alone) and provide reasoned points of view,and provided facts which cannot really be argued with; but no, they decided I had a too strong an case to make, they couldn't defend themselves adequately, so it was easier to ban me.
    As I say, to do that to someone like me, particularly as I'm always reasonable and ready to listen to views I may not agree with (unlike that lot!), is NOT going to do them any favours.
    Good on you - and don't give up your blog or your own fight with these very nasty, deluded, bitter and twisted 'women' (it's almost an insult to normal women to be tarnished of the same gender).
